“Responsive Design” is about designing a website that responds to the type of device browsing the website, whether a desktop computer, tablet or phone. Since more than half of all website visitors are using handheld devices (i.e. tablets and phones), it is required to rethink the way to do things when it comes to website design.

What is the difference between a normal site and a mobile site?

A traditional desktop, brochure style website is typically designed with fixed widths, multi-column layouts and large graphics, all of which are not mobile friendly since the size of the computer (phone vs. desktop) varies. The large graphics are too large to download quickly and complex layouts don’t adjust to smaller monitors, which results in them either shifting or shrinking. If the site is a fixed width then your visitor has to scroll sideways to read longer lines of text. All of these things will reduce your site’s effectiveness and reduce the visitors desire to stay on the site.

This is the reason for responsive designed websites.

Why are responsive websites better than a mobile service?

Responsive designs will enable your visitors to experience your site, including the brand and content, as you had intended. It’s a more fulfilling experience for them which can be seen in your traffic and conversion stats. A mobile service will strip your site down to a template version of your site with few options to customize the user’s experience. Unless you’re already using a generic template site, I’m sure that this is not the experience you want more than half of your website visitors to have when visiting your site.

OptfinITy only designs Responsive Websites

We wouldn’t build our own website without a responsive design, so we wouldn’t build one for you that way either. For more information on how we can make your website a great asset to your organization, complete this form to the left or give us a call at 703-790-0400.