ACCP Flip Cards: Critical Care

ACCP Flip Cards

ACCP Flip Cards: Ambulatory Care

GreenDot Violence

ACCP Flip Cards: Critical Care
ACCP Flip Cards: Critical Care is a fun, fast, and simple way for pharmacy professionals to prepare for the Critical Care Pharmacy Specialty Certification Examination administered by the Board of Pharmacy Specialties.
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ACCP Flip Cards
ACCP Flip Cards: Pharmacotherapy is a fun, fast, and simple way for pharmacy professionals to prepare for the Pharmacotherapy Specialty Certification Examination administered by the Board of Pharmacy Specialties.
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ACCP Flip Cards: Ambulatory Care
ACCP Flip Cards: Ambulatory Care is a fun, fast, and simple way for pharmacy professionals to prepare for the Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Specialty Certification Examination administered by the Board of Pharmacy Specialties.
IOS Link
Android Link -
GreenDot Violence
The Green Dot APP is a reminder/encouragement/support APP for all those who want to join together to reduce sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking, bullying and child abuse. At a frequency designated by the user - Green Dot will send out bystander intervention suggestions, quotes, images, tips and challenges. Both "proactive" green dots and "reactive" green dots will be included. Proactive suggestions will focus on small, daily decisions each of us can make to make it clear to all those around us, (1) violence won't be tolerated, and (2) everyone is expected to do their part to keep our communities safe. Reactive suggestions will focus on providing practical, realistic options for individuals to intervene in potentially risky situations. Whether or not you have been "green dot trained" - YOU can be a part of creating green dots of prevention!
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PixPairs, is a graphical and custommizable version of the game known as Concentration, Memory, Pelmanism, Shinkei-suijaku, Pexeso or simply Pairs. In this game, you are provided a set number of cards in which all of the cards are laid face down on a surface and two cards are flipped face up over each turn. The object of the game is to turn over pairs of matching cards. Pix Memory can be played by yourself or with up to 4 people. The benefit of PixPairs is that you can create your own images to be looked at, including pictures of your kids, your family, paintings, etc.
IOS Link