We want to let you in on a little secret – not all managed service providers (MSPs) are created equal.
In fact, there are some real imposters out there who pretend to be able to fix your IT problems but who don’t follow through on their claims, leaving your company high and dry when you need support the most.

If you’re one of the many companies planning to increase your use of managed services this year, then you’ll want to be sure to avoid these companies. After all, the benefits of partnering with a reputable MSP are impressive – managed service offerings can support your company’s long-term growth and future needs by:

  • Increasing the efficiency of your overall business processes.
  • Decreasing your reliance on internal IT staff who could be put to better use on more strategic areas of your business.
  • Minimizing your technology costs, allowing you to maximize your budget.
  • Monitoring IT processes and identifying opportunities to prevent issues before they occur.
  • Providing deep industry knowledge of the complex IT environment, so that you can stay focused on your core business.

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With all of these benefits, it’s no wonder that the managed services market is expected to grow to $193 billion by 2019, according to various reports. Of course, all of that industry growth means that there are even more providers of managed services out there, vying for your business.

How can you be sure to choose the right partner for your managed service’s needs?

To help, we’ve put together a brief list of what to look for as you evaluate managed service providers:

The IT Providers Experience:

One of the largest benefits to outsourcing is that someone else is responsible for keeping up with the latest trends and developments in the IT industry. Any managed services provider should be up-to-date on today’s technology and have a deep understanding of your individual enterprise needs.

The IT Provider’s Flexibility:

The world is changing quickly and your organization must be agile enough to change with it. An MSP who is unwilling to adapt to your unique business requirements will inevitably lead to frustration and time wasted.


All MSPs should be able to clearly outline their service level agreements – and commit to them. If the service provider is unable to meet your service needs as outlined, then there should be distinct financial penalties for the provider.


Although technical challenges are somewhat unavoidable, the best MSPs ensure that there is as little downtime for your business as possible. In addition, they should focus on delivering services quickly and providing responsive support for customers around the clock.

Cost Savings:

Last but not least, an MSP must be able to show you the money. They should explain the value that you are getting with your investment as well as demonstrate the cost savings generated from their services.

Why OptfinITy is the Perfect Managed Services Provider

OptfinITy has been around for over 15 years, providing experience, accountability, reliability and cost savings to our clients. For more information about our flexible offerings, complete the form to the left or call us at 703-790-0400.