Google’s latest update is making waves in the digital marketing world. According to an article on the latest Gmail update, Google has established a list of requirements for anyone who sends more than 5,000 emails each. For people who find their inbox cluttered with messages from unknown senders and commercial emails, this update may relieve the daily inpouring of spam that accumulates each day. However, it isn’t going to stop marketing emails entirely. The point of the measures is to lessen the number of unsolicited emails users get every day, authenticate that the senders are real humans, and make it easier for users to unsubscribe from unwanted messages.
Previously Google relied on AI tools to block unwanted messages, adding up to approximately 15 billion per day. While AI has been an incredibly helpful tool in identifying auto-generated messages, it is ironically a part of the problem itself. As the language models of AI tools continue to evolve, it is becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate between an AI model with a real human being. Overtime, Google’s spam filter could be unable to detect these auto-generated emails and will become ineffective.
Google’s new strategy takes on a more proactive approach against this issue. While digital marketers can still use AI to create mass emails, they have to authenticate they are a human being first. Essentially, this means that prior to sending large email quantities each day, senders will have to follow best practices and provide solid confirmation that they are a real account. In addition, Google is enforcing a spam rate threshold to mitigate the number of unsolicited emails users receive. Senders will have to oblige by this requirement to ensure that recipients are only receiving emails they want to see.
If users find they no longer want to subscribe to a particular sender, it is now significantly easier to unsubscribe. One of the update’s requirements is that commercial senders make it possible for users to quit email subscriptions in just one click. For those who find themselves frustrated with having to click on several links and confirm multiple times to successfully unsubscribe, this is good news.
While this may seem discouraging to digital marketers, it could be a blessing in disguise. Instead of users disregarding the overwhelming number of commercial emails they receive each day, messages will be more targeted. This could mean higher levels of engagement from a more focused clientele. Google’s latest update means cleaner inboxes and better emailing practices.
If you want additional information on how to protect your inbox from spam and unwanted senders, check out OptfinITy’s spam protection services: Spam Protection – OptfinITy to get better control over your inbox.