Posted by - February 08, 2018

Making sure your website is updated with the latest patches is very important as new vulnerabilities are discovered almost daily – so what happens when the latest update stops your updates from working?

On Monday, WordPress released version 4.9.3. The very next day, WordPress released version 4.9.4. Although version 4.9.3 fixed 34 bugs, it also introduced a new bug that prevents automatic background updates from updating automatically! This bug causes WordPress to encounter an error when attempting to update itself to the latest version.

Four years ago, WordPress added the self-update feature allowing users to keep their website secure and bug-free so users have not had to think about updates. This means that there are millions of unmanaged WordPress sites that expect their site to automatically update itself.

So, if you are an admin of a website running WordPress, make sure to update now or if you need help with your website, give OptfinITy a call at 703-790-0400.

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