Posted by - September 30, 2019

Having a solid IT infrastructure is the absolute bare minimum if you want your organization to grow and prosper in the 21st century. With the technology age in full swing, organizations that don’t adapt and implement the latest technologies will be left in the dust. A recent article lists a few areas that business owners should focus on to ensure present and future success.

  1. Don’t just move to the cloud. Adopt the cloud- The cloud itself is not going to transform your business. You need to take advantage of its functionalities to make your organization operate more efficiently.
  2. Constantly upgrade your networks and move to software-based networking- Network upgrades are necessary to eliminate vulnerabilities and optimize proficiency. However, if your network updates require downtime and changes in hardware, you are quickly falling behind. Many organizations have already switched over to software-based networking which allows for small updates to be sent regularly without disrupting users and in turn eliminating downtime.
  3. Know your software and don’t let it become outdated- Software is the backbone of a company’s IT structure and can be used to run its networking systems. Through analytics and machine learning, certain types of software now are able to adapt the system in real time, essentially maintaining themselves virtually.

The window is rapidly closing for companies to jump on board of the technology train. If your organization hasn’t already began looking into or adapting the aforementioned practices, or if you have any questions regarding your IT infrastructure, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 703-790-0400 or shoot us an email at

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