Posted by - October 07, 2024

Cybersecurity Awareness Month is the perfect opportunity for your organization to refresh employees on creating a security awareness culture. Unsure of how to

1. Host a “Phishing Simulation” Challenge

Create a friendly phishing simulation to test employees’ abilities to recognize and report phishing emails. By simulating real-world scenarios, you can assess vulnerabilities and educate your workforce on how to avoid falling for scams.

2. Gamify Cybersecurity Training with Quizzes and Competitions 

Introduce an element of fun by incorporating cybersecurity quizzes or competitions. Gamifying training helps engage employees while reinforcing best practices. Consider offering incentives like gift cards or extra time off for top performers.

3. Create a “Secure Your Devices” Campaign

Encourage employees to update software, enable firewalls, and strengthen their device security by launching a campaign that focuses on securing personal and work devices. Provide a checklist for employees to follow and think of a few fun rewards for completing it.

4. Share a “Daily Cybersecurity Tip” via Email or Slack

Throughout the month, send out daily tips via email or your organization’s communication platforms. Using gifs/cybersecurity memes can be an engaging way to remind employees of remaining secure.

5. Implement a “Clean Desk” Policy Day

Dedicate a day during the month for a clean desk audit, where employees ensure no sensitive information is left unsecured. This helps enforce the importance of physical security in addition to digital security.

Continuing Security Awareness Past October

Cybersecurity Awareness Month offers a valuable opportunity to engage your team in creative ways that can foster a more secure workplace. However, your cybersecurity journey should continue year-round.

To learn about how OptfinITy can empower your organization with Cybersecurity training & testing for employees, email or call 703-790-0400.

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