In the current technological age, a website is now the face of an organization. When people hear about a new business or organization, the first thing they’ll do is check out their website. While having a secure, well-functioning website for your organization can help raise the reputation of your brand, having one that is not… Read more »
Posts By: OptfinITy
Tips on how to make your website appear at the top of search engines
While running a small organization, getting your name out there is critical for your success. While using social media and online advertising are available options, the best way to become recognized by the largest audience possible is to appear at the top or near the top of an online search engine. A recent article from… Read more »
What to look out for to avoid getting hooked by phishing scams
Beware of Malicious Emails You probably receive hundreds of emails daily. Did you know that one in every 244 emails contains malware (according to IT World)? Stay alert for suspicious emails to protect yourself. Red Flags to Watch For 1. Poor Spelling and GrammarScammers often disguise emails to look like they’re from trusted sources like… Read more »
Safe file-sharing practices
Enhancing File Sharing Security in Your Organization File-sharing software has become an essential tool for modern organizations, enabling more effective communication and collaboration on documents. While it boosts efficiency, improperly protected files can fall into the wrong hands, leading to serious risks such as fraud and identity theft. Understanding and addressing these vulnerabilities is critical… Read more »
Be on high alert for fraudulent websites and phishing scams following disasters
Protect Yourself from Phishing Scams During Natural Disasters When a major tragedy like a hurricane or the Boston bombing strikes, your first instinct may be to help those affected by donating money. Unfortunately, cybercriminals exploit people’s goodwill by launching phishing scams and fraudulent websites designed to solicit donations. According to a recent cyber intelligence advisory,… Read more »
Don’t become a victim of ad fraud
Protect Your Small Business from Ad Fraud As a small business or organization, you cannot afford to waste money on anything that doesn’t directly boost awareness or increase revenue. While paying for ad space on high-traffic websites can effectively promote your brand, beware of fraudulent websites that drain your advertising budget. Beware of Fraudulent Websites… Read more »
Business advantages of having your own mobile app
It seems there is an app for almost everything today, and your business or organization should be no exception. Having a mobile app for your business establishes credibility and gives people another way to interact with your organization. Perhaps your organization already has in place a responsive website that allows for an optimal user experience… Read more »
Best ways to stay safe while using public WiFi
While entering a coffee shop, a restaurant, or even the mall, the first thing many people do is connect to the WiFi network. People connect to public WiFi networks constantly to allow for better functionality on their devices or to allow them to continue to access the internet and email from devices that don’t use… Read more »
What are your best password practices?
We use passwords for everything. Our email, social media, bank accounts, and many other online platforms require passwords for access. Since passwords are needed for so many things, many people choose to go with easy-to-remember passwords, or use one password for everything. While it may be convenient to not have to memorize a bunch of… Read more »
“Pausing Location History” does not stop Google from tracking you!
Whether you like it or not, Google has the ability to track where you are at all times if you are using any of their apps on your smart phone. Although there are benefits to having your location known, such as the ability to quickly get directions to a restaurant nearby or check the local… Read more »