Has your password been stolen in the past? If so, it can still affect you in the present if you haven’t switched up your login info. While it is constantly preached that people refrain from reusing usernames and passwords, people continue to do so, putting their accounts and information at risk. A recent CNET article reports that Google Chrome users will now be provided a warning when they are putting themselves at risk.
Chrome’s new extension will monitor publicly leaked password databases and check against its own database for matches. If the user’s email address and username match with what is found in the database, Chrome will recommend a change of login credentials, leaving no excuse to fall victim to a hack due to a repeat password.
Considering that 65% of people polled in a recent survey reported reusing passwords across different accounts, this new extension should serve as a great reminder of the dangers that come with using repeat passwords. As always, OptfinITy is happy to answer any questions you may have. If you have any questions or concerns about safe password practices or technology in general, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 703-790-0400, visit us on our website at www.optfinity.com or shoot us an email at info@optfinity.com.
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