Posted by - April 30, 2018

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Does your business have a spare $2 million around to fix your computer problems when you get the next Ransomware attack? 

As you may have seen in the news, the city of Atlanta, George recently became a victim of the SamSam ransomware, shutting down operational systems. Unlike most ransomware, SamSam indiscriminately searches the internet for vulnerable servers by looking for weak passwords or passwords that rarely get changed and then infecting the system. While Atlanta didn’t pay the ransom, the cost to remediate the issue was calculated at $2,667,328 according to this ZDNET article.

While your business may require less than the city to remediate your problem, there are things you can do today to make sure that Ransomware doesn’t hurt your organization. This includes changing and using complex passwords, updating security patches, installing the proper security equipment and educating your employees.

For more information on some of the things you can do, give us a call and we can provide you with a no-cost, no-obligation assessments. We can be reached at 703-790-0400 or on the web at

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