Huge Increase in Ransomware Attacks as Criminals Focus on Targeting Businesses

Posted by - September 15, 2020

A report released shows an extreme increase of ransomware attacks over the course of 2020. Ransomware attacks have been on the rise and getting more dangerous in recent years, with cyber criminals aiming to encrypt as much corporate networks as possible to extort bitcoin ransom from companies before returning their data. A single attack itself can result… Read more »

FBI Warns Companies Still Using Windows 7 After End of Life

Posted by - August 11, 2020

The Federal Bureau of Investigation sent a private industry notification on Monday to partners in the US private sector about the dangers of continuing to use Windows 7 after the operating system reached its official end-of-life earlier this year. The notification mentions that cyber criminals are now targeting computer networks after an operating system achieves… Read more »

Twitter Speculates on How Thousands of High Profile Accounts were Hacked

Posted by - August 04, 2020

Twitter has finally released information on the hack it suffered earlier in July where high profile accounts were breached, and hijacked to post cryptocurrency scams. Victims of the attack, which was perpetrated by hackers with access to Twitter’s internal account management support tools, included Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and Kanye… Read more »

Does Zoom’s New Announcement Matter for Your Business?

Posted by - June 17, 2020

Zoom announced this past week that those who use the video platform for free will no longer have encrypted calls and that this new change will be happening soon. According to the company, the reason for the change is the company is  wanting to comply and work with local law enforcement in case Zoom is… Read more »

Things to Consider when Teleworking

Posted by - March 13, 2020

With the recent declaration by WHO (World Health Organization) we are now dealing with a pandemic, and it is important to consider the following items when preparing for teleworking: • Making sure the employee has the proper direct communication tools (cell phone, work phone or app to access the phone system) • Making sure the… Read more »

This New Ransomware is Asking for Nude Photos Instead of Money

Posted by - February 24, 2020

Last year businesses worldwide lost billions of dollars due to ransomware. This year, however, some ransomware criminals are looking to collect something other than money. Researchers at Emisoft have discovered a ransomware that demands payment of a different kind – nude photographs. The creator of the ransomware distorts the typical sextortion scam which is to… Read more »

FBI Warns Over Ransomware Attacks

Posted by - January 06, 2020

The FBI recently issued a warning to the private industry providing information and guidance on the LockerGoga and MegaCortex Ransomware. LockerGoga and MegaCortex are ransomware infections that target the company by compromising the network and encrypting all devices. When the network is compromised, the perpetrator be residents of the network for months before they release… Read more »