Precautions of Using AI in the Workplace

Posted by - July 26, 2023

While AI has brought about numerous advancements and benefits, it also raises concerns and potential harms. Here are some of the major areas of concern related to the use of AI: Job Displacement: The automation capabilities of AI can lead to job displacement in certain industries, especially those with repetitive tasks. This can result in… Read more »

Importance of securing your devices cloud

Posted by - July 24, 2023

In today’s technology-driven world, our lives have become increasingly intertwined with the digital realm. From personal communications to professional endeavors, we rely heavily on cloud services to store and access our data. The cloud has undoubtedly revolutionized the way we manage information, providing convenience and flexibility like never before. However, along with these benefits comes… Read more »

Protect Your Mac from Password Pilfering and Crypto Wallet Capers

Posted by - June 02, 2023

Atomic Malware has emerged as a formidable force, wreaking havoc on Mac users worldwide. This insidious malware has set its sights on stealing passwords, infiltrating crypto wallets, and causing a wave of concern among security-conscious individuals. This is why it is important to protect your computer passwords and crypto wallets. Here are some essential tips… Read more »

Amazon Alexa acting ‘spooky’

Posted by - October 03, 2022

Do you have an Amazon Alexa in each room too? She’s always there when we need her because she’s always listening. Do you ever wonder if she’s listening a little too much? Smart devices can be very useful, but they can also be really creepy. Can you imagine being woken up by your Amazon Alexa… Read more »

Samsung says hackers obtained some customer data

Posted by - September 26, 2022

Did you hear? Samsung is experiencing a cybersecurity incident. Although the company has informed the public that social security numbers as well as debit card numbers were not accessed, customer’s name, contact and demographic information, date of birth and project registration information have been. Samsung claims someone gained unauthorized access to their systems in late… Read more »

New Google Chrome Security Bug

Posted by - September 22, 2022

If you’re using Google Chrome, it’s time to check for a critical security update. Google released a Chrome update to patch a significant vulnerability that is actively being exploited in ongoing cyberattacks. Google urged users to update Chrome as soon as possible. How to update Chrome on iPhone or iPad: Open the App Store app… Read more »

Are you tired of getting spam calls?

Posted by - September 08, 2022

Let’s be honest, our phones are constantly ringing but not because friends and family miss us and want to talk. It’s the “IRS” asking for money or “credit card companies” telling us we missed a payment, or our account was hacked. It’s telemarketers and scammers attempting to steal our personal information and hack into our… Read more »

Google knows your next move before you make it

Posted by - August 30, 2022

What do you do when you have a dumb question? You Google it, right? Just like when you’re sick and want to avoid going to the doctors, so you self-diagnose based off your Google results. I’m sure you have searched numerous odd things in Google throughout the years, I know I have. What if I… Read more »

When is the last time you cleared your cache on your iPhone?

Posted by - August 23, 2022

I know what you’re thinking, probably never right? Unless your phone started performing slower than usual, it most likely never crossed your mind. But clearing your cache does a lot more than speed up your phone while browsing the web. Clearing your cache is kind of like clearing your digital countertop. If you don’t, it’ll… Read more »

Apple releases update to patch security flaws

Posted by - August 19, 2022

Apple recently announced back-to-back updates for iOS and Safari operating systems where an attacker could take control of your iPhone or Mac devices. Both updates address major security vulnerabilities, one which allows an application to execute arbitrary code on your device, giving them control of your device while the second one is in the component… Read more »