Posted by - March 21, 2022

Beware of Social Media Quizzes: They Could Be Phishing Scams

The Hidden Danger of Social Media Quizzes

If you use social media regularly, you’ve likely seen wacky quizzes appear on your feed. Many of these quizzes are linked to Facebook, but similar surveys on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok’s “Get to Know Me” videos all serve the same purpose: harvesting personal information from unsuspecting users.

How These Quizzes Put Your Information at Risk

Many of these seemingly lighthearted posts mimic common security questions. Headlines like “Your Metal Band Name is the Street You Grew Up On + Favorite Pet’s Name” might seem harmless, but the comments often reveal a treasure trove of potential passwords or answers to security questions.

Cybercriminals create some of these posts with the intent of stealing sensitive information. However, even when hackers aren’t behind them, these quizzes remain dangerous. Most posts are public, allowing anyone to see the answers and use them maliciously.

Here are some examples of quiz prompts that a social media phisher might use:

  • Who even remembers their kindergarten teacher? Let’s celebrate our educators this week!
  • Nobody’s first car was a Ford—prove me wrong!
  • Name a TV show you could watch forever and never get tired of!

How to Protect Yourself from Social Media Phishing Scams

Avoiding these scams entirely may be difficult, but you can take steps to protect yourself:

  1. Never share sensitive information on social media. Even if a quiz seems fun or nostalgic, refrain from answering questions that could expose personal details.
  2. Watch out for posts that create a sense of urgency or panic. Cybercriminals manipulate emotions like curiosity, fear, and helpfulness to trick users into revealing information or clicking suspicious links.
  3. Report suspicious posts. If a quiz or survey seems questionable, flag it or report it to the platform to help prevent others from falling victim.

For more information on online safety and best practices, contact us at

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