Posted by - April 15, 2024

Email remains king as the primary form of communication in the modern workforce. However, its extensive use also makes it a prime target for cyber threats. According to a recent report by Cofense, a staggering 90% of data breaches stem from phishing attacks, establishing it as the leading vector for cybercrime in 2024.

Who is especially at risk of these attacks? Any industry handling sensitive and valuable data. The healthcare, legal, and financial industries are prime examples of high value targets.

Despite advancements in security, malicious emails are still slipping past defenses, with a 104.5% increase in breaches bypassing secure email gateways. The rise of new threats, like QR code-related attacks, adds complexity to the landscape. New malware families are continuing to emerge with the rise of phishing schemes.

To combat these threats, organizations must promote a culture of security awareness. Encouraging practices like two-factor authentication and password updates, along with cautious sharing of sensitive information, is crucial.

To learn more about email security and how to protect yourself, you can register for our upcoming webinar here.

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