Does Remote Work Impact Security?

Posted by - March 30, 2021

Remote work has become a way of life for so many of us. It makes a lot of things harder. Communication, focus, and task management have all become more difficult. One of the things hardest hit by remote work is our online security. An overall increase in teleworking makes it harder for companies and workers… Read more »

VoIP: Risk and Reward

Posted by - March 10, 2021

The ways that people communicate at work has evolved over the years, with online messaging services and email becoming more important. However, the office phone has remained a staple of office communication for decades. Recent advancements have changed what that phone system looks like. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone systems have replaced traditional landlines… Read more »

Is Zoom Back in Business?

Posted by - November 30, 2020

Work-from-home is the reality for so many of us during the coronavirus pandemic. Being out of the office has its challenges: interrupting kids, spotty internet, and endless miscommunications! However, online meetings have become the symbol of this new working environment, especially the virtual meeting app ‘Zoom’. Part of the app’s popularity was its security. Zoom… Read more »

Twitter Speculates on How Thousands of High Profile Accounts were Hacked

Posted by - August 04, 2020

Twitter has finally released information on the hack it suffered earlier in July where high profile accounts were breached, and hijacked to post cryptocurrency scams. Victims of the attack, which was perpetrated by hackers with access to Twitter’s internal account management support tools, included Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and Kanye… Read more »

Things to Consider when Teleworking

Posted by - March 13, 2020

With the recent declaration by WHO (World Health Organization) we are now dealing with a pandemic, and it is important to consider the following items when preparing for teleworking: • Making sure the employee has the proper direct communication tools (cell phone, work phone or app to access the phone system) • Making sure the… Read more »