Does Zoom’s New Announcement Matter for Your Business?

Posted by - June 17, 2020

Zoom announced this past week that those who use the video platform for free will no longer have encrypted calls and that this new change will be happening soon. According to the company, the reason for the change is the company is  wanting to comply and work with local law enforcement in case Zoom is… Read more »

Elexon’s Cyber-Attack Leaves Businesses Wondering If They are Safe

Posted by - May 28, 2020

  A UK power grid company has been rumored to have suffered a ransomware attack, although electricity supply for their customers did not seem to have been affected. Elexon administrates a crucial part of the power supply chain, known as the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC), which includes the country’s suppliers, generators, distributors, traders, and energy… Read more »

Zoom App Under Fire For Privacy Concerns

Posted by - April 06, 2020

As massive amounts of people begin working from home during the COVID-19 crises, Zoom videoconference, along with many other video-conferencing applications, has been booming. What people may not be aware of, however, is that  Zoom users might need to be concerned about the app’s privacy and security.  Some of the concerns with the application include… Read more »

Things to Consider when Teleworking

Posted by - March 13, 2020

With the recent declaration by WHO (World Health Organization) we are now dealing with a pandemic, and it is important to consider the following items when preparing for teleworking: • Making sure the employee has the proper direct communication tools (cell phone, work phone or app to access the phone system) • Making sure the… Read more »

This Advanced Android Malware is Stealing Google Authenticator Codes

Posted by - March 09, 2020

Security researchers are now warning Android phone users about a malware strain that can withdraw and obtain one-time passcodes by extracting it from the Google Authenticator app. The Google Authenticator app is a two-factor authentication security layer that creates a 6 to 8 digits long code to enter on various online accounts. The Android malware,… Read more »

This New Ransomware is Asking for Nude Photos Instead of Money

Posted by - February 24, 2020

Last year businesses worldwide lost billions of dollars due to ransomware. This year, however, some ransomware criminals are looking to collect something other than money. Researchers at Emisoft have discovered a ransomware that demands payment of a different kind – nude photographs. The creator of the ransomware distorts the typical sextortion scam which is to… Read more »

Microsoft Data Breach Exposes 250 Million Costumer Service Records

Posted by - February 11, 2020

In case you missed it, Microsoft released an important security patch as a result of a massive security breach found in Windows 10 Microsoft has admitted that between December 5th – 31st 2019, a security vulnerability inside of internal customer support database was left entirely exposed for anyone to access without requiring a password. According… Read more »

FBI Warns Over Ransomware Attacks

Posted by - January 06, 2020

The FBI recently issued a warning to the private industry providing information and guidance on the LockerGoga and MegaCortex Ransomware. LockerGoga and MegaCortex are ransomware infections that target the company by compromising the network and encrypting all devices. When the network is compromised, the perpetrator be residents of the network for months before they release… Read more »

Have you been caught watching porn?

Posted by - December 16, 2019

If you haven’t received an email yet that accuses you of watching porn, it may be arriving soon.  A familiar scheme with updated context has been making the rounds lately.  The scam involves data from a previous breach which had emails and associated passwords.  Assuming the end-user uses passwords across multiple sites, the perpetrator contacts… Read more »