Chinese Malware Found Inside Required Business Software

Posted by - July 17, 2020

Three weeks ago, security researchers detected and exposed a piece of malware lurking inside of tax software that the Chinese government requires companies to install. The evidence gathered reveals that the spy campaign showed that a separate piece of malware released equally sophisticated ways to infect the taxpayers in China. GoldenHelper, which is the name… Read more »

How One Security Flaw Can Cost Your Business 150,000 Dollars

Posted by - June 18, 2020

A small Kentucky business recently found themselves to be victims of a ransomware attack, resulting in their having to pay $150,000 to regain control of their data.  The company, which is only made up of 8 computers, simultaneously received messages on their screens saying that the hacker group had control of their PCs and they… Read more »

Things to Consider when Teleworking

Posted by - March 13, 2020

With the recent declaration by WHO (World Health Organization) we are now dealing with a pandemic, and it is important to consider the following items when preparing for teleworking: • Making sure the employee has the proper direct communication tools (cell phone, work phone or app to access the phone system) • Making sure the… Read more »

This New Ransomware is Asking for Nude Photos Instead of Money

Posted by - February 24, 2020

Last year businesses worldwide lost billions of dollars due to ransomware. This year, however, some ransomware criminals are looking to collect something other than money. Researchers at Emisoft have discovered a ransomware that demands payment of a different kind – nude photographs. The creator of the ransomware distorts the typical sextortion scam which is to… Read more »

Microsoft Data Breach Exposes 250 Million Costumer Service Records

Posted by - February 11, 2020

In case you missed it, Microsoft released an important security patch as a result of a massive security breach found in Windows 10 Microsoft has admitted that between December 5th – 31st 2019, a security vulnerability inside of internal customer support database was left entirely exposed for anyone to access without requiring a password. According… Read more »

FBI Warns Over Ransomware Attacks

Posted by - January 06, 2020

The FBI recently issued a warning to the private industry providing information and guidance on the LockerGoga and MegaCortex Ransomware. LockerGoga and MegaCortex are ransomware infections that target the company by compromising the network and encrypting all devices. When the network is compromised, the perpetrator be residents of the network for months before they release… Read more »

Have you been caught watching porn?

Posted by - December 16, 2019

If you haven’t received an email yet that accuses you of watching porn, it may be arriving soon.  A familiar scheme with updated context has been making the rounds lately.  The scam involves data from a previous breach which had emails and associated passwords.  Assuming the end-user uses passwords across multiple sites, the perpetrator contacts… Read more »

100k People Tricked by Fake IRS Website

Posted by - December 05, 2019

A large-scale threat campaign used several fake IRS websites to target over 100,000 people this summer. Researches at cloud security solutions provider Akamai, discovered that the phishing campaign used hundreds of different types of domains and URLS to imitate the Internal Revenue Service of the United States for over two months. Victims of this threat… Read more »

Smartphone Users Advised Not to Use Public USB Charging Stations

Posted by - November 18, 2019

Have you ever traveled before with a phone lower on power and tried one of those “free” USB charging stations?  According to a recent report, it turns out the convenient USB power charging stations found in airports and malls may come with a cost.  Officials are warning that  that travelers should be wary of using… Read more »