Twitter Speculates on How Thousands of High Profile Accounts were Hacked

Posted by - August 04, 2020

Twitter has finally released information on the hack it suffered earlier in July where high profile accounts were breached, and hijacked to post cryptocurrency scams. Victims of the attack, which was perpetrated by hackers with access to Twitter’s internal account management support tools, included Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and Kanye… Read more »

How One Security Flaw Can Cost Your Business 150,000 Dollars

Posted by - June 18, 2020

A small Kentucky business recently found themselves to be victims of a ransomware attack, resulting in their having to pay $150,000 to regain control of their data.  The company, which is only made up of 8 computers, simultaneously received messages on their screens saying that the hacker group had control of their PCs and they… Read more »

Zoom App Under Fire For Privacy Concerns

Posted by - April 06, 2020

As massive amounts of people begin working from home during the COVID-19 crises, Zoom videoconference, along with many other video-conferencing applications, has been booming. What people may not be aware of, however, is that  Zoom users might need to be concerned about the app’s privacy and security.  Some of the concerns with the application include… Read more »

Optfinity’s CEO, Michael Drobnis, Selected for Goldman Sachs Small Business Program

Posted by - March 24, 2020

OptfinITy is proud to announce that our CEO, Michael Drobnis, has been selected to participate in the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses (10KSB) Program. The program offers continuing business education through Babson College, a network of executive mentors, and access to capital through “mission-driven small business lenders.” “I am a lifelong learner and understand the… Read more »

This New Ransomware is Asking for Nude Photos Instead of Money

Posted by - February 24, 2020

Last year businesses worldwide lost billions of dollars due to ransomware. This year, however, some ransomware criminals are looking to collect something other than money. Researchers at Emisoft have discovered a ransomware that demands payment of a different kind – nude photographs. The creator of the ransomware distorts the typical sextortion scam which is to… Read more »

Smartphone Users Advised Not to Use Public USB Charging Stations

Posted by - November 18, 2019

Have you ever traveled before with a phone lower on power and tried one of those “free” USB charging stations?  According to a recent report, it turns out the convenient USB power charging stations found in airports and malls may come with a cost.  Officials are warning that  that travelers should be wary of using… Read more »