While running a small organization, getting your name out there is critical for your success. While using social media and online advertising are available options, the best way to become recognized by the largest audience possible is to appear at the top or near the top of an online search engine. A recent article from entrepreneur.com provides some tips on how to make this happen.
The first step to take is to make sure your website runs efficiently. This includes eliminating lag time between pages, and allowing for easy navigation and smart phone optimization. If your website runs slow or is confusing to navigate, people will more than likely become frustrated and leave your website never to return.
A great way to ensure your website runs at a fast speed is to optimize your images, which essentially means not using images at a size that is larger than necessary. Since more than 50% of a website’s memory load on average consists of images, having an image on your website that is unnecessarily large can be the difference between a fast and slow loading website. For example, if you are placing an image into a box that is only a 500 pixel square, uploading an image that is 5,000 by 5,000 pixels is only going to slow your website down.
Optimizing your website for mobile is now more critical than ever since consumers now spend around 69% of their time on their smartphones. To improve your website’s mobile performance, you should research which web-hosting site will work best for your content, or if you are developing your own, implement accelerated mobile pages to speed up your website.
Once you have a flawless, fast-running website that is fully optimized for mobile devices, your next priority should be to establish authority and use keywords in your website that will direct as many people to your site as possible. While establishing authority can take some time, you can speed up the process by encouraging people to share your news and blog posts on social media.
The use of specific and direct keywords will raise the likelihood of your website showing up in searches. For example, if your website contains an article about how to make lemonade, you will want to go with clear, direct keywords in the title and throughout the article that will show up in people’s searches. A good example would be “How to Make Great Lemonade.”
What you will want to avoid is trying to get creative and titling your post something like “Lemonaide: How to Create a Perfect Blend of Sugar, Water, and Lemons.” None of those terms are going to be something someone searches for while looking up how to make lemonade, and as a result, people will likely be directed to another website and not yours.
To recap, having a well-functioning website that is optimized for all platforms combined with the strategic implementation of keywords will result in a successful, well-known organization. OptfinITy provides assistance with website development and would be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding website development or any other of your business’ IT needs. For more information give us a call at 703-790-0400 or visit us on our website at www.optfinity.com.