Don’t be fooled by copycat Equifax Websites

Posted by - August 19, 2019

Predictably, there have been reports of fake Equifax settlement websites in the wake of Equifax announcing their settlement. In order to prevent having your data stolen or your computer infiltrated with malware, it would be wise to take the following precautions: Double-check the website address and the URL. The correct starting point recommended by the… Read more »

How to claim your Equifax Settlement

Posted by - August 12, 2019

If you were one of the 147 million people affected by the Equifax data breach that occurred back in 2017, now is the time to file your claim to receive compensation according to a recent CNET article. If you aren’t sure whether or not you were affected by the breach, you can go to the… Read more »

Don’t expose your organization via social media

Posted by - August 06, 2019

There are many precautions that you’ve probably already read about that employees can take to prevent putting their organization at risk of a breach. Precautions such as not clicking on phishing emails or suspicious links, or using weak passwords are frequent topics of discussion in the world of cybersecurity. One topic, however, that doesn’t appear… Read more »

Life saving tips for your laptop’s battery

Posted by - July 03, 2019

We’ve all at some point in time had to stop working on an important project or playing a fun game because our laptop battery runs out and we’re not near an outlet. Given that at least for the time being, there won’t always be a charging station available where you would like to do some… Read more »

OptfinITy Has Officially Launched it’s Cybersecurity Division

Posted by - June 17, 2019

Springfield, VA (June 17, 2019)- OptfinITy, the leading Managed Services Provider of the Greater Washington, DC area has announced the creation of a new cybersecurity division, PerusITy, which will feature HIPAA Compliance Audits, Vulnerability Assessments, IT and Security Audits, Managed SOC Services, Penetration Testing, Business Continuity and Physical Security (cameras and monitoring). “With everything you… Read more »

OptfinITy Proud to Have Sponsored Specialty Beverage Cart at Annual MVLE Golf Classic

Posted by - June 12, 2019

MVLE, whose mission is to provide meaningful employment and support services for individuals with disabilities and military veterans, hosted their annual golf tournament at the Springfield Golf & Country Club last week. As this year’s beverage cart sponsor, OptfinITy was proud to provide the tournament’s participants with two signature cocktails, the Cyber-Rita and the 24… Read more »

Why you need a managed service provider like OptfinITy

Posted by - May 31, 2019

With cyberattacks becoming increasingly costly and frequent, organizations can no longer afford to not prioritize cybersecurity in their budget. We have seen attacks in the past few years ranging from small businesses and organizations to large cities. While larger organizations have the budget and resources to handle cybersecurity internally, smaller organizations usually do not. Luckily,… Read more »

What are your mobile security practices?

Posted by - May 14, 2019

With the dramatic increase in the use of mobile devices for business operations, it is important to make sure you have the company’s devices secured. Unfortunately, this apparently is not the case according to a recent article. In this article, they have found that approximately 33% of businesses surveyed have experienced a data breach… Read more »

How to protect your phone number from hackers and port-out scams

Posted by - May 09, 2019

In the wake of two-factor authentication frequently being recommended to combat malicious hackers, another security threat has arisen: port-out scams. Port-out scams involve hackers trying to steal your phone number and transfer it to another carrier, allowing them access to any account that requires a text message confirmation to access. Considering many people’s bank and… Read more »