While the linked article focuses on the need for security teams to think like criminals, leverage Artificial Intelligence technology, and understand that machine learning will lead to more jobs, the important part for you is to know that you need to invest well in cybersecurity to keep yourself and your business safe, whereas a cybercriminal only needs to get lucky once.
This main point cannot be over-emphasized enough. Many small businesses and organizations will put the bare minimum into their technology security and back-up, assuming that the issue of being hacked is something to be dealt with when the time comes.
What many don’t understand is it is too late once you’re the victim to be able to mitigate the problem and it will cost you more than it would have if you were proactive instead of reactive.
Can your business or organization survive without your computers and data for more than a week? What would happen if your clients’ data were violated and news got out that your business was compromised? Large retailers often face backlash and a loss of revenue, but they are so big, they can ride out the storm.
Having a reliable and trusted IT company looking after your needs and ensuring your safety should be your number one concern.
If you really want to know how secure or vulnerable your systems are, contact Optfinity today. We provide no-cost, no-obligation assessments on virtually any technology aspect you can think of. We would love the opportunity to sit down with you and give you sound advice, whether you choose to rely on us or not for your IT needs. This is too important an issue to worry about sales or numbers. We honestly care more about your business’ well-being and the technological security of your whole team.