The largest ransomware attack in history has already infected over 114,000 Windows systems worldwide. Many of these infections were on older, unsupported versions of Windows such as XP, Vista, and Windows 8. There is a reason any IT professional will advise you to upgrade to any current OS; these systems are constantly supported and updated to ensure the highest level of safety and security.
But in the wake of this unprecedented infection, Microsoft has released an emergency security patch update for all its versions of Windows, including those no longer supported. So, if you’re still utilizing one of these operating systems, download and update now!
This security breach has not only affected small businesses and individuals in over 99 countries, it has also infected such large corporations as Spain’s Telefonica, Russia’s MegaFon, FedEx, and the National Health Service in the U.K. The latter of these forcing the rejection of patients, cancelation of operations, and rescheduling of appointments due to the infection.
What can you do? For starters, follow the seven steps listed in the article, including keeping your system up-to-date and be mindful of phishing emails, which is the main way this ransomware affects users. You should also hire professional IT support to ensure you’re always protected, including having a secure and robust back-up system. Optfinity offers free assessments, so if you’re unsure if your company will survive a possible infection, contact us today. No pressure, no sales gimmicks, just honest care and advice to help small businesses stay safe in this highly dangerous cyber world.