By -- 2017-04-26 in Blog

As in every case involving your personal information, you should be wary of giving it out to strangers, especially when being solicited.  The newest scammer craze is being targeted through LinkedIn by a spammer emailing contacts letting them know they are urgently seeking workers.

These emails inform the person that they match qualifications they are seeking for jobs in your region.  There is no specificity in the email, it does not originate from a real LinkedIn address, and has countless spelling and grammatical errors.  Those red flags alone should be enough to stop you in your tracks.  But there are still many out there who would fall for this.

Aside from endangering yourself and your personal data, you also open your company to fraud.  These cases, also known as CEO fraud, have resulted in companies losing upwards of tens of millions of dollars.  So, ensuring your staff is well trained on how to avoid being a victim of scammers not only protects them, but also your company’s bottom line.

By -- 2017-04-26 in Blog

This is a fascinating article on artificial intelligence, where its been and where its going, and how we got there; but moreover, have you thought about how AI may affect your business years down the road?  Are you prepared for the changes and challenges that such technology might present?

The article talks about three waves of AI, the first including such technology as Google Maps, smart phones, and traffic lights.  Do you think every business which made maps for your car is still in business?  How about encyclopedia companies, pagers, or crossing guards?  Future AI technology is anticipated to replace most human workers in many fields.  What are you doing to anticipate and prepare for this new technology tidal wave to ensure your business does not go under?

A first step in all this is to ensure you have a fully-functioning and knowledgeable IT component within your organization looking out for your best interests.  There are many basic steps companies fail at, such as fully integrated websites, mobile apps, cloud storage, and disaster recovery systems.  Once you’ve read the article and watched the fascinating video, contact Optfinity today for a free assessment and take your first step in putting your company on the right path to navigating the technology maze just ahead.

By -- 2017-04-26 in Blog

As a company or organization, you have a legal requirement to retain information and communication.  Studies show that most employees have no idea what these policies are, and chances are, neither do you.  Read the full article to see what the actual statistics are.

These policies should not only include what to retain and for how long, but also your company’s policies on personal computer usage, personal emails, and social media.  Not only can these issues pose problems for the company and its data retention, but it can also pose privacy problems of which most employees are not aware.

Don’t forget, if you’re using your company’s WiFi on your personal device, that data is not private and your company now has access to it.  Likewise, when you use your company email to contact your doctor, financial advisor, or lawyer, your private information is now the property of your company. 

By -- 2017-03-29 in Blog

Do you have your elevator pitch ready?  You know, those 90 second speeches you have prepared to give at networking events and run-ins with colleagues.  Did you know, even if you haven’t given one professionally, you’ve probably already given them when trying to explain to your family and friends what you do for a living? 

There are four simple things to include to help you perfect these pitches.  Capturing your audience’s attention by talking about how great your company is doing, who your customers are and what problem you’re solving, how the problem is currently being solved and how you’ll do it differently, and explaining how your solution is the best.  There are a few more steps if you’re trying to attract venture capitalists, but the concept is the same.

Not sure how a strong IT services support fits into all this?  Well, you won’t have a functioning business if all your systems go down due to hacking, or you will lose your customers if your phone systems and website go down, you also won’t have a good presentation to give if you’re staff are not up to date on their software knowledge to put it all together.  Not to mention that most businesses run entirely online, in the cloud, or behind software.  Optfinity offers free assessments to help every business truly understand their demands, needs, and wants to function at peak capacity.

By -- 2017-03-28 in Blog, Uncategorized

A website cookie is a file that helps websites identify who you are and whether you have been to a website before.  This is useful for remembering your preferences or items you may have ordered, making your website experience a better one.  The problem occurs when hackers can manipulate this data, as evidenced in this article about the recent Yahoo hacker attacks.

What happened with Yahoo was that hackers could forge cookies for Yahoo’s users which would potentially allow them access to accounts without the need for a password because your cookie and history identified you and Yahoo accepted that information as authentic.

Additionally, browsers use other methods to identify you including your active logins, browsing and download history, cache, cookies, form and search bar data, offline website data, and site preferences.  As a result, you want to regularly wipe clean this information from your computer. 

For more information on this issue you can read the linked article or give us a call at Optfinity (703-790-0400) and we will help ensure all your computers and servers are constantly cleared of possibly damaging items that pose threats to you and your company’s data. 


By -- 2017-03-27 in Blog

Recently, a terrorist used WhatsApp to send and receive encrypted messages to help plan an attack, and there have been demands by some that there should be a weakening or banning of this type of encryption.  Would this help prevent this type of terrorist communication?  Absolutely not.

Some have also called for backdoor systems to allow our politicians and law enforcement agencies access to this data.  The danger therein is a surrender of our personal liberties and right to privacy.  Not to mention that criminals would just find other ways around these channels, like compiling their own end-to-end encryption messaging system.

We must remember that encryption protects everyone, which unfortunately includes the “bad guys”, and prevents hackers from gaining access to our sensitive data which abounds on the internet.  Every time you make an online purchase or access your bank account, these encryptions are ensuring your safety and security.  Be wary of those fighting to weaken your privacy rights and ensure your systems are set up accordingly, and don’t forget, Optfinity provides free assessments to make your business life a little easier.

By -- 2017-02-27 in Blog

There is a new phish in town, and now its targeting iTunes users trying to access their personal information.  This attack is emailed in the form of a receipt which appears to come from your iTunes account listing movies the victim supposedly purchased.

There is a link at the bottom which, when clicked, directs the victim to a page asking for personal information in order to obtain a full refund including credit card numbers, social insurance numbers, and even mother’s maiden name.  It is quite obvious what they can then do with all this sensitive data once it is stolen.

To stay ahead of the curve, be sure you are always reviewing the source of the email, sender’s email address, and the actual URLs of the links being suggested, among other things.  And of course, double check your credit card and bank accounts to see if these charges are, in fact, real.  Once you realize these charges are not even listed on your accounts, it is more obvious that this potentially is a scam.

While this current scam is aimed at our Canadian neighbors up north, it won’t be long till it makes its way down to the lower 48.  Always be suspect of any email asking for you to click on a link.  If you’re not sure all your employees are properly trained on how to look out for these types of scams, Optfinity provides training and testing for you and your staff to prevent security breaches by victimized employees.

By -- 2017-02-15 in OptfinITy News

Springfield, VA

February 13, 2017 – This week, Michael Drobnis from OptfinITy, LLC joined the CompTIA DC Fly-In to advocate for IT sector priorities on Capitol Hill during the association’s annual Fly-In to Washington, DC. CompTIA, the Computing Technology Industry Association, through its advocacy arm, champions member-driven business and IT priorities that impact all information technology companies – from small managed solutions providers and software developers to large internet companies, equipment manufacturers, and communications service providers.

As a CompTIA DC Fly-In participant,  Drobnis met with Senator Warner, Senator Kaine, Congressman Beyer and Congressman Wittman’s office to focus their attention on policies that develop skills for the 21st century workforce, advance tax and regulatory policies that spur innovation, lead in secure internet-based platform technologies, support new and emerging technology platforms through policies, address availability and delivery of broadband communications and expand markets and advocate for sensible rules of global trade. “Innovation in the tech sector is a key force behind a strong 21st century economy and Congress should prioritize issues that affect technology companies,” said Drobnis.

“One of the most important issues facing the technology industry today is the availability of a skilled workforce. We shared with our elected officials the importance of internships and apprenticeships as an avenue to train the next generation of IT workers and incentivize educators, students, and employers to adopt alternative education models that will spur economic growth.  We look forward to the 2017 legislative agenda and remain encouraged by the conversations on Capitol Hill about issues critical to our membership,” said Todd Thibodeaux, president and CEO of CompTIA. “We will work closely with congressional leaders to push legislation that boosts the digital economy and fosters American innovation.”

For more information on OptfinITy, please see and more information on CompTIA can be found at

By -- 2017-02-9 in Blog

WordPress recently released a new version of their software which also included an update that fixed a previously undisclosed critical vulnerability.   If left unpatched, hackers could possibly modify the content of any post or page on a WordPress website.

Initially this vulnerability was not made public in the hopes of staving off hackers; however, it didn’t take long for hackers to strike after the news broke, and it seems over 100,000 webpages may have been the victim of defacement.

You should always ensure you and your company are running the most current version of any software and are constantly downloading the updates provided.  If you can, automatic updates will help alleviate the need to manually check for these. 

Optfinity provides this level of support for all our clients, so they never have to worry about using an old version of any software or not being up-to-date on any security patches.  If you’re not sure of how robust your systems are or whether or not auto-updates are configured, Optfinity can provide you with a free assessment to help you determine how susceptible your data may be.

By -- 2017-02-9 in Blog

How to Stay Safe on Public Wi-Fi: Protecting Your Personal Data

Have you ever stopped to think about the safety of the free Wi-Fi network you’re connecting to at your local coffee shop? If you’re like most people, you probably haven’t. But here’s something you might not know—scammers often set up fake Wi-Fi hotspots to steal your personal data. The next time you’re sipping your latte, take a moment to verify that the network you’re joining is actually from the store, not a malicious hacker sitting nearby.

Why Should You Worry About Public Wi-Fi?

Public Wi-Fi networks are a convenient way to browse the web, check your email, or catch up on social media while on the go. However, they come with significant risks. If you’re connecting to a network set up by a scammer (also known as a “honeypot” Wi-Fi), any data you send over that network could be intercepted. This includes sensitive information like passwords, credit card details, and addresses. If the hacker gains access to your private data, it could lead to identity theft, financial loss, and much more.

How to Protect Your Personal Information

Here are a few essential steps you can take to stay safe while using public Wi-Fi:

  1. Verify the Network: Always confirm the Wi-Fi network name with the staff before connecting. Don’t just assume the free network in a coffee shop is the legitimate one. Scammers are skilled at creating networks with similar names to confuse unsuspecting users.
  2. Look for HTTPS: When visiting websites that require you to input sensitive information—such as passwords or credit card details—make sure the website URL starts with “HTTPS” rather than “HTTP.” HTTPS means the site is using encryption to protect your data, even if you’re on a potentially risky Wi-Fi network. If you don’t see HTTPS, don’t enter any personal information.
  3. Use a VPN (Virtual Private Network): A VPN encrypts your internet connection, making it much harder for anyone to intercept your data. This is particularly useful when using public Wi-Fi.
  4. Turn Off Sharing: Disable file sharing and Bluetooth on your device when using public Wi-Fi. This reduces the chances of someone accessing your files or connecting to your device remotely.
  5. Keep Your Device Updated: Ensure your device’s software is up-to-date with the latest security patches. Regular updates protect you from known vulnerabilities that hackers may exploit.

Unsure About Public Wi-Fi Safety? Contact Optfinity

If you’re still uncertain about using public Wi-Fi or want additional tips on securing your personal data, contact us at Optfinity. Our experts are ready to provide you with advice on how to stay safe online and offer your business a free security assessment. Don’t let hackers steal your data—take the steps necessary to protect yourself today!

By staying vigilant and following these simple precautions, you can enjoy public Wi-Fi without putting your personal information at risk. Stay safe, and always make security a top priority!