With the prevalence of apps continuously on the rise, more and more businesses are developing their own, and it is more important than ever to keep them secure. A recent itnews.com article provides some useful tools and methods that can prevent your apps from being compromised by cybercriminals and keep your business protected.
There are many application security tools available that can be broken down into two main categories: security testing tools and shielding products. Testing tools focus on finding vulnerabilities in the app to prevent attacks while shielding products focus on hardening the application to make attacks more difficult to be carried out.
Security testing tools are available in many different types including static, dynamic, interactive, and mobile. Depending on your app portfolio and what you believe to be the best way to protect it will determine which of type of security testing tool you will use. For example, if you are looking to check your code as you are writing it, you would want to go with one that offers static testing, but if you want one that analyzes running code and has the ability to simulate attacks on production systems, you would elect to go with one that offers dynamic testing. A combination of the elements provided in static and dynamic testing tools is available via an interactive testing tool. Finally, there are security testing tools that focus specifically on mobile apps that examine how attackers could potentially leverage mobile operating systems.
App shielding tools also contain different features including runtime application self-protection (RASP), code obfuscation, encryption and anti-tampering tools, and threat detection tools. Again, what you believe is the best way to protect your app portfolio will determine which type of shielding tool you end up using. If you’re looking for a tool that continuously monitors an app’s behavior, sends alerts and terminates errant processes or the app itself if it becomes compromised, an RASP tool would be the option to go with. However, there are other types of tools available such as code obfuscation, encryption, and threat detection tools. The latter provides device fingerprints that determine whether a mobile device has been compromised by a malicious party.
As always, OptfinITy is happy to answer any questions you may have regarding your IT needs. Feel free to give us a call at 703-790-0400, shoot us an email at info@optfinity.com, or visit our website at www.optfinity.com if you have any questions about the security of your applications or application development in general.